Monday, June 15, 2009

WELL WELL I think it's freaking time for an update.. SO this blog is mainly made for some venting.. so here it goes.. umm I want to BE OUT OF NY SO BADLY!! I want to go to Korea for a couple months for school.. or even better become famous and stay in KOREA.. I'm going star crazy right now. I'm so stressed lately.. being kicked out of HUNTER, almost getting fired at work, and just knowing I'm at my lowest point of life right now is KILLING ME! I can't believe how lazy and stupid I am for being kicked out of COLLEGE! BIG DISGRACE to my family.. I didn't break it to them yet.. but I AM planning on doing so. Right now I just want to be focused on school and getting my GPA back up.. HONESTLY there's no more fucking around. I've fucked my freshman year.. now it's time to grow up and take education seriously. Other than that I've been so crazy about getting famous in KOREA. I love everything about it. I haven't been so serious something since now. I love the idea of becoming famous.. although I know it's going to be so hard. I'm ready for hard work coming for me.. I need to change my life.. fame.. here I come.